EJ&E Railroad engine 703 (above) leads a UP coal train to the Waukegan Power Plant.
Photo by Jeff Easton in 2007 and posted on Railroadforums.com
The county's first electric generating coal plant was the Waukegan Electric Light Company. It was founded by Michael Hussey about 1905. Hussey was known as the coal baron of northern Illinois in those early years of the 20th century.

In 1923, Hussey’s company was bought out by Samuel Insull’s Public Service Company of Northern Illinois.
In the early 1910s, Insull set about revolutionizing the availability of electric service. Lake County was his home base and where he set his plans in motion by buying out small, independent power plants. He ran transmission lines and centralized the service, and was able to provide 24-hour electric service to thousands of homes and farms.
Samuel Insull (1859-1938), founder of Commonwealth Edison.
His former home is the Cuneo Museum in Vernon Hills, IL.
Power Plant workers, circa 1935. Dunn Museum, 2007.12
In 2007, the museum received a donation of nearly 60 photographs of the Waukegan Power Plant from a private donor. The photos are of plant employees in their daily tasks, posing candidly for the camera, and date from the 1930s to 1970s.
W. McCoy at a power plant control panel, circa 1970. Dunn Museum, 2007.12
Herman Genkinger and Richard "Red" Mathews, 1950. Dunn Museum, 2007.12
Safety award, 1960. Left to right: Vern Stone, Joe Shrank, Murray Joslyn, L. Stang, A. Johnson, George Kreu, P. Root, Bob Lundberg, H. Otto, and K. Leisner. Dunn Museum 2007.12.