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Showing posts with label 14th Cavalry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 14th Cavalry. Show all posts

Friday, September 30, 2011

Fort Sheridan Horse Shows (1925 - 1939)

Postcard of one of the more extreme stunts at the Fort Sheridan horse shows, circa 1930. BBDM

Between 1925 and 1939, the U.S. Army post at Fort Sheridan hosted horse shows and polo matches. The events were part public relations and part training.

Fort Sheridan was established in 1887, and became known as a Cavalry Post with the arrival of the first cavalry regiment in 1892.

Following World War I, Fort Sheridan took on a country club atmosphere. Though troops continued to train, cavalry officers in particular showcased their skill in public horse shows and polo matches.

Horse show grounds overlooking Lake Michigan at Fort Sheridan, circa 1930. Ekmark photograph. 
BBDM 92.24.983.

A dramatic entrance on the Fort's Parade Grounds for the 14th Cavalry, circa 1925. Ekmark photograph. BBDM 92.24.1887.

Page from 1936 Fort Sheridan Horse Show and Military Exhibition booklet. Interesting to note that civilians also participated in certain events. BBDM 92.24.181.

View of a great jump in cavalry officers' event with judges observing every detail, circa 1930. BBDM 92.24.1337

Cavalry rough rider, circa 1930. Onlookers are so close they could almost reach out and touch the horses! BBDM

Polo teams consisted of cavalry officers and wealthy North Shore residents. Circa 1929. BBDM 92.24.577.

Display of trophies ready for the victors at the Fort Sheridan Horse Show, circa 1930. BBDM 92.24.758

Like military honors, trophies awarded at horse shows were highly valued and lauded.

Fort Sheridan Horse Show trophy presented by Fort Sheridan Officers Club. Hunt Class winners for 1927 - 1937. BBDM 92.24.137

Cavalry stunt photographed by 6th Signal Corps, circa 1930. BBDM 92.24.1175.

The variety of stunts performed at the horse shows amazed and delighted the crowds that gathered. 

The museum's Fort Sheridan Collection consists of over 2,000 photographs, dozens of which are of the horse shows and cavalry rough riders. The Fort Sheridan Collection photographs were digitized thanks to a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, and are available online through the Illinois Digital Archives.