Blarney Island in Grass Lake is one of the most unusual bars in the world, since you can only get there by boat. It also has a reputation for boisterous partying.
In the beginning, there was Shorty's Place, also known as Rohema. This resort, like so many others on Grass Lake, offered boat ride tours of the lotus beds. Shorty built his place about 1906 when the waters were unusually low. The change in water level created a small peninsula which jutted into the lake.

Colorized postcard of lotus on Grass Lake. Dunn Museum, 2001.3.23
The beautiful colorized postcard (above) of the lotus beds gives a sense for what the fuss was about. People flocked to see the lotus beds which covered vast acres of Grass Lake. The flowers still grow on the Chain, but are limited to "no wake zones." The best time to see the blooms is in July.

Some historians have identified "Shorty" as Shorty Shobin. Though in local papers of the day articles referred to him simply as "Shorty." In 1908, the McHenry Dam was built across the Fox River and the water levels began to rise. A paper reported that the dam was "blasting [Shorty's] hopes... Each day he watched the water increasing on his domain."

It is not clear at what point Shorty sold his business, but by 1923, the name Blarney Island is in place with Jack O'Connor as the proprietor. Some have claimed that Shorty lost his resort to Jack O'Connor in a poker game. O'Connor's original resort reportedly burned down and he used Shorty's former site to start his business anew.

Locals claim the water level did not rise high enough to create the resort "island" until 1939 after the Stratton Lock and Dam was built, making historians realize that a lot of information has been lost to time. Why would O'Connor call his establishment Blarney Island in 1923 if it was still on land?

The spring thaw of 1952 nearly destroyed the entire building. Ed Walters, the owner at the time, decided to rebuild and used remnants of the original structure to maintain Blarney Island's history.
Blarney Island still exists, and is open everyday, but remember, you can only get there by boat!
Cool blog as for me. It would be great to read something more concerning this topic. Thanks for posting that material.
Joan Stepsen
Wise geek
How cool ... I've been to this place, many years ago.
Very insightfull,yes I had a few there before.Maybe they should give Shorty some credit in there.There is an atm,and live bands there.Lots of beer.
The woman in the photo with Shorty Shobin is Rose. My wife's parents rented a home from Shorty ~1955 on Fox Lake. We know he did not kill himself he just went into hiding.
Jack O'Connor's brother
I was reading a letter a dated 1933 that was written to my grandmother who was hospitalized for TB. Her Aunt Birdie related that she and her son had taken a trip by small motorboat to see the famed lotus beds. She had a completely different story regarding the making of Blarney Island. She said O'Connor had hauled sand and gravel out on the ice each winter to make the island. I think that story was pure Blarney. I was so interested in her account that I googled Lotus Beds of Grass Lake. I would love to make a trip to see these beautiful flowers . Aunt Birdie stated the flowers were 4-5 feet above the water. Blooms were 10-12 inches across and the leaves of one was 20 inches in diameter. My grandmother was always a nature lover and especially a lover of native flowers. I am sure this account gave her much joy.
All the Lotus beds were destroyed by the higher water levels after the McHenry Dam was built in 1932. Some small areas have been reestablished in recent years but nothing substantial.
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