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Showing posts with label Edward Murray. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Edward Murray. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Edward Murray, 96th Illinois Regiment

"He was an ideal soldier, quiet, manly, religious, and exerted an excellent influence in the Company."  This description of Edward Murray was written in 1887 by Charles A. Partridge, comrade of Murray and editor of the History of the 96th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

Detail of Edward Murray from a photo tintype taken in 1862. Dunn Museum 62.41.2

Edward Murray (1828-1900) was born in Glasgow, Scotland. He came to the U.S. in 1834 with his parents and siblings. The family first settled in New York State, and in 1841 moved west to Newport Township, Lake County, Illinois.

Murray lived at home until he married Mary Dixon (1833-1916) on January 27, 1853. Murray wrote: "I had built a large house that was only partially finished when President Lincoln called for 600,000 men in 1862."

In early August of 1862, Murray was approached by Captain John K. Pollock of Millburn. Murray later wrote: "I was in the harvest field working when a Mr. Pollock came to me and wanted to know if I would enlist. He said he was getting up a company and would like to have me put my name on his list and after some more conversation I did."

John K. Pollock (1829 - 1901) was elected captain at the organization of Company C, 96th Illinois Infantry, and as captain did much of the recruiting. Photo Dunn Museum 92.45.622

On September 2, 1862, "every member of Captain Pollock's Company" was ordered to come to Waukegan. Edward Murray was accompanied that day by James Murrie, J.Y. Taylor, William B. Lewin and Laughlin Madden, who were friends and neighbors from Newport Township.

Seated left to right: William B. Lewin, Laughlin Madden, Edward Murray; standing left to right: James Murrie and John Y. Taylor. Dunn Museum 62.41.2

A photo of Murray and the men who accompanied him to war (above) and were his comrades in Company C of the 96th Illinois was donated to the museum in 1962 by Murray's grandson, Leland W. Simmons. 

According to the 96th Illinois' regimental history, the Battle of Chickamauga, Georgia (Sept 18-20, 1863) was a battle of "tremendous proportions and fraught with mighty import."

Sergeant Edward Murray was wounded in this battle while re-loading his gun. Years later, Murray wrote: "a ball struck me between the shoulders near the right side of the spine so as to completely paralize [sic] my lower limbs and rendering me perfectly helpless while the battle continued."

Murray's comrades had to fall back, leaving him behind, but William Lewin tried to help. Lewin "threw his gun over his right shoulder and reached down to help me up. I caught it with both of mine but he could not move me. I was a dead weight. I had no power to help myself." Murray told Lewin: "Run Billy, I am all right," and Lewin did run.

As it became dark, Rebel soldiers came onto the field and carried three wounded Union soldiers to a fire, including Murray, and gave them blankets. Murray wrote: "That was a night stamped on my memory that can never be erased as long as life lasts... I lay there perfectly helpless with my thoughts centered on my far away home and my loved one and how, or when, or if ever I should see them."

Murray and other wounded Union soldiers were held by the Rebels. On or about September 27 "a Rebel came along with the good news to us that he was going to parole us and send us into our lines. I shall never forget the joy I felt."

After a couple of months in army hospitals, Murray's brother John was able to take Edward home. Once Murray received his furlough, the brothers took a train to Chicago and onto Kenosha, Wisconsin (the closest depot to Newport Township). They arrived home on Thanksgiving Day, November 28.

Murray later wrote: "I felt I was coming home helpless, when I went away strong." It took many months before Murray recovered his health, though he walked with a limp for the rest of his life.

Edward and Nancy Murray's great-great-great-granddaugther, Millie Ramsay, recently donated to the museum an American flag made by Edwards' mother in 1862 on the occasion of his enlistment. (below)

Photo of American flag made by Agnes Riley Murray on the occasion of her son's enlistment, 1862. 
Dunn Museum 2012.22.1

Agnes made the flag with 13 stars (rather 34 for the number of states in 1861) as a patriotic tribute to the original 13 colonies.

The Murray farm is now part of Van Patten Woods Forest Preserve. Edward Murray is commemorated on the Welcome sign at the preserve.

The story of Edward Murray and his comrades is now featured in the book The Bonds of War by Diana Dretske (2021). The book was inspired by the commemorative portrait in the Dunn Museum's collection, and is available at the Dunn Museum's gift shop and SIUPress

Monday, July 2, 2012

John Y. Taylor of the 96th Illinois Regiment

Research of an unidentified soldier pictured in a tintype in the museum's collection has revealed the forgotten story of a young Scottish immigrant and Civil War soldier, John Y. Taylor (1842-1863).

John Y. Taylor is pictured top right in this 1862 tintype with his fellow 96th Illinois Regiment comrades. Seated left to right: William B. Lewin, Laughlin Madden, Edward Murray; standing left to right: James Murrie and John Y. Taylor. The tintype was donated to the museum in 1962 by Lee Simmons, a grandson of Edward Murray. (Dunn Museum BBDM 62.41.2)

Of the five men (all from Newport Township), only Lewin, Murray and Murrie survived the Civil War, and even they were wounded. John Y. Taylor and Laughlin Madden were not as fortunate.

Taylor, who was young and not yet well established when he died in the war, was difficult to research. Using the History of the Ninety-Sixth Regiment, and letters in the museum's collection and the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library collection, I was able to confirm he is the young man pictured at top right.

Detail of John Youngson Taylor from group image (left) and photo provided by his brother for the 96th Illinois Regimental history (right).

John Y. Taylor was the son of Samuel Taylor (1781-1858) and Isabella Lawrence Taylor (unknown-1845). He was born in New Byth, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. His father was a bookbinder and bookseller, and assisted in the establishment of a circulating library.

The first of the Taylor clan to come to Lake County was John's older half-sister Isabella (1822-1897), who immigrated from Scotland in 1844. It is believed that the Taylors were cousins to the Thain family of Antioch, and she may have come at their invitation. Isabella married James Low in early 1845. The couple settled northeast of Millburn in Newport Township (part of today's Tempel Farms in Old Mill Creek).

In 1854, at the age of twelve, John joined his sister in the new country. He was accompanied by two older siblings: Mary (1832-1915), who married James Bater, and James M. (1839-1921).

It is probable that the siblings lived together in the Low home until at least 1856 when Isabella and her husband sold their farm and moved to O'Plain (Gurnee).

In the 1860 census, John Y. Taylor lived on his own with the David White family near Millburn. John was not related to the Whites, but was working for them as a farm laborer. Some of John's and James's letters imply that in addition to farming, the brothers attended school and were teachers.

John Y. Taylor's signature from an 1863 letter (BBDM 93.45.490.2)

On April 12, 1861, John wrote to David Minto of Millburn while living with the John Murrie family in Newport Township and working as their farm laborer. Today, the Murrie farm would be located on the south side of Russell Road and just west of the Des Plaines River in Sterling Lake Forest Preserve.

John wrote of his new situation: "I know all of you have a great deal better accommodation then I have at present. A small log house occupied by a very large family [eight children]... Still it makes a very good home. The folks I like first rate... a very frank accommodating boss." (LCDM 93.45.570.2)

Excerpt from John Taylor's letter of April 12, 1861: "... a couple of days and last Friday we sowed about 2 acres of wheat and dragged or rather mudded it in. The weather looks more favorable today. I hope we have a spell of drouthy [sic] weather so as to get the crops in." (BBDM 93.45.570.2)

An envelope addressed to David Minto from John Y. Taylor, and posted at Kenosha, Wisconsin, May 20, 1861. Note Taylor's initials on the lower right. (BBDM 93.45.568.1)

In 1861, John commented that not many volunteers had gone to the war from Newport Township. “We have weekly meetings to aid in the cause,” and some men “have formed a militia company.” (BBDM 93.45.568.2)

The following year, when more troops were needed, the 96th Illinois was formed and John Taylor enlisted with his brother James on August 1. A month later, the men who had enlisted and returned to their homes were “ordered and required to report themselves in person at the city of Waukegan.” They arrived promptly and began drilling exercises on the courthouse grounds and race track.

The recruits were quartered in citizens' homes and at hotels such as the Sherman House (above), located at South Genesee and Lake Street in Waukegan. (BBDM 94.14.102)

On September 5th, four Lake County companies met at the train depot and departed at 7 p.m. for Chicago where they were sworn into service. It is easy to imagine that John and James's sister Isabella Low was present to say farewell. It would be the last time she saw her youngest brother, John, alive.

On March 1, 1863, John wrote to Isabella from Nashville, Tennessee: “Nashville is a very pretty place... Bro James is 1st corporal. I still enjoy myself performing the duties of a high private in the rear ranks.” (Original in the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library)

He wrote to his sister Mary Bater on April 24, 1863: “I have been down to the cars [railroad cars] and seen the prisoners off for Nashville that our boys captured today… all from Texas, the regarded Texan Rangers... Most of them were quite sociable, occasionally one hot-blooded fellow among them.” (Original in the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library)

Over the course of his year in service with Company C, John suffered many illnesses that he described as general fatigue and fever, but he always recovered within a few days under the care of an army surgeon. Camp illnesses were common, but some severe enough that men needed to be discharged such as John's closest friends David Minto and Andrew White.

John Taylor wrote his last known surviving letter to one of his sisters on September 18, 1863. He was in Rossville, Georgia, having arrived from Estella Springs after several days of marching and riding on a freight train.

Although the Battle of Chickamauga began on September 18, not all of the 96th Regiment's men went onto the field. Those who were sick or too worn down from the march were left in camp, which may explain why John wrote such a pleasant letter on the first day of the battle:

“My Dear Sister… I am well and feel as hearty and strong as need be... There is a nice spring of water in the cave where we filled our canteens. The cave is at a place called Shell Mound… we have seen a great many caves and other sublime sceneries of nature – worth the time spent in marching to see them.” (Original in the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library)

Two days later, things would change drastically. According to the regimental history, “Chickamauga was a terrible blow to this Company [Company C]." The company went into battle on Sunday, September 20th and “Corporal John Y. Taylor had his right hand shattered at the wrist."

Corporal J.A. Robison of Company F, wrote in the regimental history that while he was at Hospital No. 16 in Nashville, recovering from wounds, “I visited Corporal Taylor, of Company C, who had lost an arm, and who died in a short time.” According to this account, it appears that the surgeons amputated John’s right arm in an attempt to save his life. He died on November 24, 1863.

In December 1863, William Lewin (pictured with John Taylor in tintype) wrote to David Minto: “We were all very sorry to hear of J.Y. Taylor’s death.” (BBDM 93.45.518.2)

Excerpt from William Lewin's letter with regrets about John Taylor. (BBDM 93.45.518.2)

John Taylor was buried in the temporary burial grounds at the army's Nashville general hospitals. In July 1866, the Nashville National Cemetery was created and the hospital interments were transferred there. Taylor is buried in Section D Site 3260.

Entrance arch at Nashville National Cemetery, courtesy of the Department of Veterans Affairs National Cemetery Administration History Program.

John’s brother, James, who was wounded on May 9, 1864 and had his right arm amputated, returned to Millburn for Fourth of July celebrations in 1865. Susie Smith (Minto) wrote in her diary of the day's events, including a reference to James and his deceased brother:

"... we went talking, thinking along, thinking O. so joyfuly. O, so thankfuly for by our sides sat those brave hero boys who, one year ago, were engaged amid the din and cloud of battle fighting for their much loved country."

(above) "One poor fellow [James], who had loved a much loved brother [John] in the strife for Freedom, and whose own right arm had been lifted up, for this our own proud land." (BBDM Smith diary 93.45.290)

Although John Taylor’s life ended tragically, it is important to remember his sacrifice and heartening to bring his story to light. From reading these letters, I met a young man who was good-natured, generous of spirit, interested in learning, and considerate of his friends and family.

The story of John Y. Taylor and his comrades is now featured in the book The Bonds of War by Diana Dretske (2021). The book was inspired by the commemorative portrait in the Dunn Museum's collection, and is available at the Dunn Museum's gift shop and SIUPress.

Special thanks to Glenna Schroeder-Lein and all the great staff at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library for facilitating my research in the James M. Taylor Papers and for information on the Taylor family.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Faces of the Civil War

Civil War re-enactors meeting the public at Lakewood Forest Preserve. Photo by Chip Williams.

From 1990 to 2018, Lakewood Forest Preserve was the site of the museum's annual Civil War Days. The weekend event included hundreds of re-enactors, sutlers, storytellers, musicians, and even an Abraham Lincoln or two. 

The annual event was the largest Civil War re-enactment in northern Illinois, drawing an average of 5,000 attendees, and generating interest in Lake County's role in the war. Researchers from the public and the media have utilized the museum's Lake County History Archives, which includes muster rolls, letters, photographs, and bound volumes. For research assistance, please email

The news of the fall of Fort Sumter and the beginning of the war reached Waukegan by telegram on April 15, 1861. Nearly 2,000 Lake County men enlisted voluntarily during the American Civil War (1861 – 1865), out of a population of just over 18,000. Men enlisted into 75 different regiments, including the  37th, 45th, 51st, 65th, and 96th Illinois Infantry. 

Letter of George E. Smith, Jr. (Company D, 96th Illinois) to his sister Susannah D. Smith in Millburn, August 30, 1863 from Camp Near Estell Springs, Tennessee. Minto Family Collection, Dunn Museum 93.45.458.

In George Smith's letter (above), he let his sister know that her letter had arrived while he was on "Piquet." Picket duty was an advance outpost or guard that watched for enemy movement. This duty was the most hazardous work of infantrymen in the field. Many picket guards were targets of snipers. This portrait of George was included in the History of the 96th Illinois published in 1887.

State of Illinois records noted 1,890 Lake County men served in the war. Local historian, Elijah Haines, calculated over 2,000. The majority enlisted with the 96th Illinois Infantry, which had the unusual distinction of being a joint venture of two counties, Lake and Jo Daviess, since neither had enough companies to form its own regiment. 

Susannah "Susie" Smith, was a great letter writer to her brother and his comrades. It was commonly felt that the folks back home should correspond regularly with the soldiers to keep their spirits high. Susie Smith also supported her brother by sending care packages filled with paper and envelopes, and spices to enhance his army rations. She also made quilts for wounded soldiers, and was an editor of a pro-Union paper, The Millburn Union Casket.

Susannah "Susie" Smith, circa 1865. The photo was donated along with other photographs, letters, and diaries by Smith's granddaughters, Katherine Minto and Lura Minto Johaningsmeir. Minto Family Collection, Dunn Museum, 93.45.54. 

Many local recruits credited John K. Pollock (left) for their enlistment. Pollock was a farmer of standing in the Millburn area. He was elected captain of Company C by the men of the 96th Illinois. 

Edward Murray (right) of Newport Township was one of Pollock's recruits. He described his enlistment as follows: “I was in the harvest field working when a Mr. Pollock came to me and wanted to know if I would enlist…. After some conversation, I did…. On the appointed day we met in Searle’s hall [Waukegan]. After the signing of the roll call, we became soldiers... I now realized that I was a soldier and could not come home without a permit. Accordingly, I was permitted to come home and finish up my harvesting.”

About 10% of Lake County's enlisted men did not survive the war. However, all the soldiers mentioned in this post did.

The story of Edward Murray and his comrades is now featured in the book The Bonds of War by Diana Dretske (2021). The book was inspired by a Civil War portrait in the Dunn Museum's collection, and is the most extensive examination of the 96th Illinois Infantry since the regiment's history was published in 1887. The book is available at the Dunn Museum's gift shop and SIUPress.