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Showing posts with label Andersonville Prison. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andersonville Prison. Show all posts

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Dark Souvenirs of the Civil War

Members of the 19th Illinois Regiment, from The Nineteenth Illinois: a Memoir of a Regiment of Volunteer Infantry Famous in the Civil War, James Henry, 1912. At least eight Lake County men enlisted in this regiment.

A charged object or "dark souvenir" is an object collected to share as a witness to historic events such as a natural disaster or military battle. The term “charged object” is used by museums to denote artifacts “charged” or permeated with the energy of an event. These Victorian terms may sound odd to the modern ear, but still represent the sentiment of how people collected and preserved what affected them.

The bullet-ridden battle flags of the 96th Illinois Infantry as photographed for the History of the 96th Illinois Regiment, 1887. The regiment consisted of four companies from Lake County and six companies from Jo Daviess County, IL. 

Battle flags, also known as the colors of a regiment, were one of the most common objects collected during the Civil War. By preserving and commemorating flags, charged with the energy of battle, the veterans of the regiment were able to honor the memory of their bravery and of their dead comrades. 

The Dunn Museum has over two dozen charged objects in its permanent collections of which at least sixteen pertain to the American Civil War. In caring for these items, the museum takes into consideration age, condition, and provenance.


Provenance is particularly important, since without the object’s history we would not know its’ connection to an event or person. The Dunn Museum’s Civil War relics represent conflict, loss, suffering and death, and therefore need special consideration when exhibited. Collections staff take into account how to represent souvenirs of war to give proper context and respect for those involved.

Tree stump from Kelly Farm (cannonball fragment not shown), Battle of Chickamauga, Sept 18-20, 1863. A paper note identifying the object is attached to the front right of the stump and was likely placed there after it was collected from the historic battle site. Dunn Museum, 2006.0.6 (1958).

Battlefields are rife with the memory of loss and victory. One object in the Museum’s collections is a tree stump taken from the Kelly Farm on the site of the Battle of Chickamauga, Georgia (September 18–20, 1863). The Battle of Chickamauga was especially significant to Lake County, since so many of its enlisted men fought there. 

George Smith of Millburn with the 96th Illinois, wrote to his sister Susie after surviving the battle: "When I get to thinking about it I will choke and tears of gratitude come into my eyes to think that one of us after feeling such a storm of lead and Iron should have escaped, but such is the chances of every battle." 

Chickamauga was the most substantial Union defeat in the Western Theater of the war, and had the second highest number of casualties of the war. At Chickamauga, the 96th Illinois suffered the third highest percentage of losses at 54 percent killed, wounded, or missing. The most casualties in a single battle of the war were sustained just two months earlier at the Battle of Gettysburg on July 1–3, 1863.

The Kelly Farm tree stump has an additional identification painted on top: "From Kelly Farm Chickamauga." Dunn Museum curators suspect this was done by Charles S. Bentley of La Grange, IL when the object was added to his Civil War relics museum in the early 1900s. Dunn Museum 2006.0.6 (1958). 

Many veterans returned to the battlefields where they had fought to collect souvenirs such as bullets and tree stumps imbedded with shot. These items became touchstones for remembering and commemorating the war and were believed to be “charged” with the energy of the event.

According to historian Anna Denov Rusk, "soldiers collected items that told a specific story or part of their war experience."
  • Andersonville Prison, Ga., August 17, 1864. East view taken from the stockade as photographed by A.J. Riddle (1828-1897). Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C
  • The deplorable conditions in prisons (both in the North and South) were a volatile subject during and after the war. William "Billy" Lewin of Russell, Illinois, served with the 96th Illinois and was a prisoner at Andersonville from May to September 1864. He recalled that he had “suffered even more than death [at] that prison, above all other prisons… [which has] no parallel in the world’s history.”

  • Camp Sumter in Georgia, commonly known as Andersonville, was used to imprison Union soldiers from early 1864 to May 1865. Though the prisoner camp was only in operation for fourteen months, 45,000 Union soldiers were imprisoned there, and nearly 13,000 died.
  • Wood from the stockade at Andersonville prison, presented to Charles S. Bentley in 1913. Dunn Museum 70.586 (1958).

  • A section of a wooden post (shown above) was sawn from the Andersonville prison stockade as a souvenir by Corporal George W. Healey (1842-1913) of the 5th Iowa Cavalry, Company E. The cavalryman became a prisoner at Andersonville after he was captured at the Battle of Brown’s Mill in Georgia on July 31, 1864. Healy and Billy Lewin were imprisoned at Andersonville during the same period, but it is unknown if they ever met, since the prison held tens of the thousands of men. 

    Healy likely collected the dark souvenir as a veteran returning to the site. In 1913, he presented it to Charles S. Bentley (1839-1924), veteran of the 2nd Wisconsin Cavalry, Company D, who had a Civil War museum in his home in La Grange, Illinois. The object came into the Dunn Museum’s possession through Robert Vogel, who purchased it at the auction of Bentley’s collection in 1958. Vogel, who founded the county's first history museum, undoubtedly understood the object's significance and connection to those who had served from Lake County.

    One of the most compelling charged objects in the Dunn Museum’s collections relates to the funeral of President Abraham Lincoln. Just five days after General Robert E. Lee’s surrender to General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, President Lincoln was fatally shot at Ford’s Theater on April 14, 1865. 

    Floral and textile remnants from President Lincoln's funeral catafalque, 1865. 
    Dunn Museum 70.29.2

    • Charles Partridge of Waukegan with the 96th Illinois remembered the soldiers’ reactions to the terrible news: “The day before had seemed to these brave veterans the gladdest in all their lives; and now an unspeakable grief had blotted out their happiness and a gloom that seemed well-nigh impenetrable was upon them.”


      Citizens were desperate to make sense of the tragedy and millions stood along the route of the president’s funeral train as it made its way to his hometown of Springfield, Illinois. On May 1, the train made a scheduled stop in Chicago. 
    • President Lincoln's Funeral—The Catafalque at the City Hall, Chicago” as sketched by William Waud on May 1, 1865. Published in Harper's Weekly May 20, 1865. Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress

    • An estimated 125,000 mourners viewed the late president’s “mortal remains” at the Cook County Courthouse in Chicago. The framed ribbon and floral remnants are from the decorated platform, known as a catafalque, on which President Lincoln’s coffin rested. People eager to find solace in their grief and overwhelmed by the tragedy of the president's death solidified the moment by taking bits of the decorations from the platform. 

      Leonard Doolittle of Fremont Township, Lake County was convalescing at the U.S. Army Hospital in Chicago after being wounded at Chickamauga while serving with the 96th Illinois. Doolittle left the hospital on crutches to go "down to the city" for the viewing. He remarked in a letter that "I think that I never saw as many men women and children at one time in my life... as I saw today." Though the dark souvenir in the Dunn Museum's collection is not directly associated with Leonard Doolittle, the object's provenance suggests that the materials were collected at the viewing of the late president's remains in Chicago. 

      According to historian, Robert I. Girardi, while the Civil War was not fought in Illinois, “the state was actively and vitally a participant in every aspect of the conflict.” Illinoisans “sent more men per capita into the army than any other state.” These men collected souvenirs charged with the events they had seen and experienced. 

      Dark souvenirs can teach us about history and human nature. They are a window into the lives of those who experienced these events and spent their lives trying to come to terms with them. It is important for museums to collect such objects in order to preserve the memory of what "our boys" went through in the Civil War and to explore the war's continuing significance.

    • For more on the 96th Illinois Infantry, read The Bonds of War: A Story of Immigrants and Esprit de Corps in Company C, 96th Illinois Volunteer Infantry by Diana Dretske. Available from

    • - Diana Dretske, Curator

    • Sources: 

      • Bess Bower Dunn Museum, Libertyville, Illinois.
      • Library of Congress, Washington, D.C., online collections.  
      • Letter of George Smith to Susie Smith, October 6, 1863, Bess Bower Dunn Museum (93.45.460).  
      • Letter of Leonard Doolittle to David Minto, May 1, 1865, Bess Bower Dunn Museum (93.45.407). 
      • "150 Year Old Items Go On Auction Block: Historical Collection to Be Sold Today," Chicago Tribune, February 2, 1958. 
      • Girardi, Robert I. "Illinois and the Memory of the Civil War." Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society (1998-) Vol. 104, No. 1/2, Civil War Sesquicentennial Issue (Spring-Summer, 2011), pp. 8-13.
      • Rusk, Anna Denov. "Collections the Confederacy: The Civil War Scrapbook of Henry M. Whitney." Winterthur Portfolio, Vol. 47. No. 4 (Winter 2013), pp. 267-296. 
      • Wilson, R.C. "Gen. Bentley Has Real Museum: La Grange Man Has Wonderful Collection of Photographs, Letters, Fire Arms and Articles of Historic Interest." Uncited newspaper.  
      • Dretske, Diana L. The Bonds of War: A Story of Immigrants and Esprit de Corps in Company C, 96th Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 2021.
      • Partridge, Charles A. History of the Ninety-Sixth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry. Chicago: Historical Society of the Regiment, 1887. 

Friday, July 27, 2012

William B. Lewin, 96th Illinois Regiment

This is the second post on the five men pictured together in a Civil War era tintype in the museum's collection.

Like most Lake County men who enlisted to fight in the Civil War, William B. Lewin (1843 - 1914), was a farmer.

Born in Oxfordshire, England, William immigrated to the United States with his family in 1853. They landed at Boston and came directly to Newport Township, Lake County, Illinois. The Henry Lewin farm was located on either side of the Des Plaines River in today's Van Patten Woods Forest Preserve near Russell, Illinois.

Seated left to right: William B. Lewin, Laughlin Madden, Edward Murray; Standing left to right: James Murrie and John Y. Taylor. Dunn Museum 62.41.2

According to Edward Murray's memoir, a group of five farmer-neighbors from Newport Township (shown in the photograph above) went together to Waukegan on September 2, 1862, as volunteers in the 96th Illinois Regiment. They were assigned to Company C, which became the regimental Color Guard. The photo was taken in late September or early October 1862 while encamped at Camp Fuller, Rockford, Illinois, to commemorate this comradeship in the fight to preserve the Union. At Camp Fuller the men trained and were given their uniforms, guns and accoutrements.

Detail of William B. Lewin from group photograph, 1862. Dunn Museum 62.41.2

William Lewin experienced more than his share of misfortune in the war. At the Battle of Chickamauga, Georgia on September 18 - 20, 1863, he suffered a "long, raking shot on the shoulder and back, but rejoined the Regiment next day."

On December 11, 1863, Lewin wrote to his friend, David Minto (formerly of Company C) in Millburn, Illinois: "We marched from Lookout Mountain the 2nd of this month and reached there the 3rd we are about 9 miles from Bridgport near the Chattanooga Railroad we had a pretty hard time taking the Mountain charging over rocks and logs and climbing the hill and driving the rebels from their entrenchments."

Lewin's letter to David Minto about the Regiment taking Lookout Mountain. Dunn Museum 93.45.518.2

Lewin went on to tell his friend that "after fighting hard all day we lay at night upon our Arms with a rubber [sheet] only for covering and at daybreak in the morning we found the enemy had evacuated. Our regiment and the 8th Kentucky ascended the mountain with ladders and took possession in this engagement our regiment lost 15 wounded and 1 killed."

An 1889 lithograph of the Battle of Lookout Mountain (November 24, 1863) by Kurz & Allison. Library of Congress.

Less than a year later, Lewin was taken prisoner during the Battle of Resaca, Georgia on May 14, 1864.

According to the Regimental history: "First Sergeant Joseph B. Leekley of Company F, Corporal Wm Lewin and Orange M. Ayers of Company C took a slightly wrong direction in the retreat, and emerging upon the road found themselves prisoners. Leekley and Ayers afterward died in prison, and Lewin reached home only at the close of the war."

Lewin and about thirty comrades were marched for several days. "We were persuaded by bayonets to accept seats in a freight car for that prison, above all other prisons, recorded as having no parallel in the world's history." Here, Lewin is referring to the notorious Andersonville prison.

Lewin's signature from a letter to David Minto. Dunn Museum 93.45.518.2

Many histories have been written describing the horrific conditions at this prison. Lewin also attested to the meager rations, poor water supply, lack of shelter, and that no clothing or cooking utensils were furnished.

“The scurvy had so contracted my limbs as to make it impossible for me to walk but a few steps at a time, and caused me severe pain." A Confederate physician informed him that a large potato eaten raw "would prolong a person's life a month." On this information, Lewin traded his pocket watch (which he had managed to keep) for 7 1/2 dozen potatoes and two biscuits. "Very quickly we partook of raw scraped potato."

After Union General William Tecumseh Sherman captured Atlanta, Georgia, Confederate Generals feared that he would liberate Union prisoners held in camps in southern Georgia. Prisoners were moved to locations out of Sherman’s path. Thousands, including William Lewin, were sent to South Carolina as preparations began on a new prison at Florence.

By February 1865, Lewin was in a very low state with "swamp fever." Fortunately, he and his comrades were paroled from Florence on February 28th. They boarded a freight train and were met near Wilmington, North Carolina by General Schofield. The army had a celebration planned for the men--a band played popular tunes, and fellow Union soldiers held signs: "Thrice welcome, comrades," and "Home again."

"We were overjoyed to be... under the folds of the dear old flag." The former prisoners-of-war received clothing, food and two months' pay.

Lewin mustered out in Springfield, Illinois on May 24, 1865.

William Lewin from the 96th Illinois Regimental history, 1887.

William Lewin returned to Lake County where he married Susan P. Heath in 1871 and settled in Russell. There he became a prosperous farmer and respected veterinarian.

The story of William "Billy" Lewin and his comrades is now featured in the book The Bonds of War by Diana Dretske (2021). The book was inspired by the commemorative portrait in the Dunn Museum's collection, and is available at the Dunn Museum's gift shop and SIUPress.